
Showing posts from 2015

Few weeks into training..

The past few weeks of dispatcher training- Training has been quite a roller coaster.  In the beginning, I found it quite enjoyable because I was able to sit back and absorb all that was going on and seeing how the dynamics of the team works.  It's incredible how the team that's on works together, helps each other, and knows their stuff so well!  I told a lot of them that they are amazing at what they do.  As training goes on, it gets more involved where I'm actually taking calls and getting on the air, communicating with the units.  This is where the roller coaster heads a little downward.  As I get more involved, I'm finding where my issues are and where areas that need improvement are.  There's so much to be learned, I feel like I'm a little fish trying to drink the ocean, and perhaps, I'm feeling like I'm too spread out where I'm trying to cover so much, but can only progress in tiny, tiny increments in each thing I'm learning.  In turn, I f

The New first two weeks

2/27/2015 Starting Sunday, 2/15/2015, I started a job which would probably be one of the toughest challenges I've taken on.  This journey all started a few years ago in 2013.  I applied for the Emergency Services Dispatcher job for Alameda County.  I was invited to take the test, and honestly a little surprised to learn that I've been invited to the interview stage.  I did that, but didn't make it into the hiring group, but was ranked high enough to stay in the hiring pool for a year.  Eventually, I took on a job with 24 Hour Fitness as a tax administrator.  During my time there, in June 2014, I was contacted by Alameda County HR asking if I wanted to re-interview for the same position.  What the heck- I did, and 8 months later, I'm working there! The past two weeks have been filled with a lot of memorization of codes and processes.  This was a task that seems impossible, but I think I'm now seeing it as a little more doable.  My trainer has been great in showing

Thank you 24

2/27/15 Just recently, it was time to resign from my position at 24 Hour Fitness as a property tax administrator.  I enjoyed my time there starting from halloween of 2013 till 2/12/15.  Being in the corporate office was an eye-opening experience.  I'm so appreciative of my boss, who I viewed as my father-type figure at work and guided and taught me along the way.  Doing business personal property taxes was not the easiest thing I've done in my life.  I do like math, but only simple math.  When it comes to finances and accounting concepts, I'm definitely not the best at that.  The other co-workers have been great in showing me along as well.  I respect every single person I've met there because they work so hard and apply all their knowledge to the work they conduct.  It's amazing to see how all the gears turn in each department.  Everyone has a specific role and gets it all done.  I do miss my cube and space I had- the dual-screen monitors, the cactus that eventual